Discover your NorthStar and Start Living with Purpose.
Create new possibilities living in alignment with your desires through mindfulness practices, wellness coaching techniques and Inner Source Living Mind-Body Breakthough Methods.
Are you…
Schedule your complimentary virtual consultation.
Let’s work together to see where you are stuck &/or create a plan to overcome an
Or learn more about a Mind-Body Session and if it is the right solution for you.
Want to continue as a Compass Coaching™ client?
Select the best level support for the “problem” you are trying to solve.
Once you have clarity and the confidence to trust your inner compass, you begin to live in
flow and can better navigate any of life’s challenges.
All packages include the following
1:1 coaching sessions bi-monthly.
Monthly Reset Circle Group Sessions.
Quarterly Workshops.
Access to your Compass Coach during business hours via text or email (response within 48 hrs).
Additional benefit: Mind-Body Sessions are available at a complimentary price of $140/session!
Ideal for the client who is looking for additional support through their life transitions. These are productive discussions which result in the client understanding the old habit or belief causing them to hesitate, feeling clear on their right next step and having the confidence to move forward.
Purchase a 3- or 5-hour package of time. Coaching appointments can be scheduled as needed in 30 minute or 1-hour blocks. And the time can be a blend of Coaching and Mind-Body work.
A commitment of 3 or 6 months. Clients reconnect to their inner compass, get clear on their vision of their future-self, and start living in alignment with their vision now.
This is a holistic, full-spectrum look at how to create joy and fulfillment in all aspects of your life.
Payment options: Pay in full and receive a 10% discount or sign up for an automatic, monthly payment plan.
My journey has been a lesson in trusting the process and following spiritual guidance. I have learned to listen to my inner compass and believe it! It is through my healing journey that I have discovered the path I am on today. It is my North Star!
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